For those who aren't up to speed on the speediness of my life, here is the run down.
- July of 2006 - God called me out of Thousand Oaks California. With great heart ache we left but that heart ache was tempered by an assurance from the Spirit that we were following the Lord's will.
- September 2006 - Our family departed from Southern California and moved to Washington state.
- September 06 through May/June of 07 - Our family of five has been living in great blessing. Rachelle's folks opened their doors to us. Living out on their small plot of land has been a great place for us to rest, relax, and search for the next place God would call us.
- June 2007 - Well that is the rest of the story . . .
I want to pause and thank God for His faithfulness over this last year. At times we struggled. At times we weren't sure where the next pay check was coming from. But throughout this time God has shown himself faithful. Thank you Lord for your love that has called us out of darkness and into your marvelous light!
Here we are in Yucca Valley. Today is the 1st and it marks the first of three interview days. At the end of these three days we will know for sure whether or not the Evangelical Free Church of Yucca Valley is the church that God is calling us to. My heart is already convinced that this is the place. The opportunity to minister is undeniable. The provision for my family is perfect. The facility of the church is right near a needy community. All of these things I have longed for and God has given me the desires of my heart.
Now I am scared. No really. I see many of the needs in Yucca valley and God has called me to walk with the rest of the body of Christ. But I don't just walk with them but to lead. I am here to help lead the youth of this valley to a deeper and abiding walk with Christ. I know that I cannot do this. That is, without the Lord I cannot do this.
Have you ever done something you were scared to death to do? Jump from a cliff, talk to that special someone, or any other gut wrenching activity you can think of? I have and it is exhilarating! I feel like God has once again called me to step out on the edge and jump. There are so many unknowns but they are far out-weighed by the known. God has called us to be His light in this world. It is a great privilege. I want to encourage you to jump. What is God calling you to do that turns your stomach into knots? JUMP! And feel the exhilaration of walking by faith!