Thursday, August 15, 2013

what HE said

You might ask me, "What do you think about religion" and I would answer . . .

 . . . what HE said.

You might ask me, "What do you think about sex" and I would answer . . .

. . . what HE said.

You might ask me, "What do you think about evil" and I would answer . . .

. . . what HE said.

You could ask me anything . . . and yes, I mean anything and I would first respond with, "what HE said".

I know that the greatest book ever written is the Bible.  It is not great because of it's age . . . but it is ancient. It is not great because of it's authorship . . . though it was written by more than 40 authors from every walk of life over a span of 1500 years . . . yet it contains one clear message from beginning to end.  It is not great because of it's popularity . . . but it is the best selling book in history.  IT IS GREAT because it is the very word of God.

When I encounter things in our world that stand against the clear teaching of the Bible it can be a little frustrating.  My emotions run from anger to frustration and finally to sorrow.  I wonder if this is God's response?  Does sin make God angry?  "Yes"  Does sin frustrate God?  "No" Does sin make God sad?  "Yes"  So I find in my humanity a response that I don't think we would find in God.  What do I do with that?  Well, I try to figure out what is frustrating me and what I conclude is that I am frustrated by a problem I can't fix.  God does not have this limitation. He solved the problem when He sent Jesus.

The ultimate problem with ignoring the Bible and doing things our own way is that it offends God and that sin earns His wrath.  Jesus went to the cross and allowed the righteous wrath of God to be poured out on Him so that in Him we could escape God's wrath.  Instead of believing in Jesus and trusting God, mankind's solution is to do away with the one true God and replace him with one of their own making.  Either they worship something in creation outside of themselves or fashion themselves as god (Romans 1).  Either way, they no longer have to be concerned with what God has to say.  That is why the world loves and praises a "church" that doesn't obey the Bible.  In other words they love religious people that have made up their own version of god just like everyone else.  They then praise this church for being tolerant.

The question that I then ask is, "what are they being tolerant of?"  Either you are going to be tolerant of all the shifting and changing opinions of the world or you are going to be "tolerant" of the Word of the one true God.  Your actions will either be acceptable in heaven or on earth.  If I say that homosexuality is a sin, I am saying so because HE says so.  This is acceptable to God but not to man.  If I define evil as any form of rebellion against God from the biggest to the smallest thus saying we are all evil, I do so because HE said so.  This is His truth which is rejected by man.  If I claim that only one religion is correct and all others are false, I claim this because, you guessed it, HE said so.  This is intolerant . . . but intolerant to WHO?

Perhaps my favorite quote from scripture is found in the book of Acts.  It is found in Chapter four and is spoken by Peter and John when they are put on trial for healing a man in Jesus name.  Here is the quote, "18 So they called them and charged them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. 19 But Peter and John answered them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge, 20 for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard.” 21 And when they had further threatened them, they let them go, finding no way to punish them, because of the people, for all were praising God for what had happened."

I have seen the Word of God change lives.  I have heard the stories of those who have been rescued from the darkness of sin.  I know my savior and His name is Jesus!  I cannot, I will not, and I should not be silent.  So to answer your question, "what HE said".

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