Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Dream Come True

Well this is it! Our Dream Come true. I say our Dream because Rachelle sees more blue sky than grey. Madison, Ashton and James have a playground in their back yard. And me? . . .Well I got to follow the Lord's call to a great church. For those who know me you realize that the Desert is not high on my list of places to live. For those of you who know me even better, you know what kind of church I dreamed of wroking in. God lead me to just such a place.

God planted in me this desire to work in a smaller church with the promise of growth. I really wanted to go to a youth ministry that I could build from the ground up. I wanted to be in a place that fealt more like a family than an organization. I have found that place and I love it!
When I left my last church (the Evangelical Free Church of the Conejo Valley) I was heart broken (and I still miss you all). I had no desire to leave behind all the great friends and families that God had brought into my life. I looked forward to touching the lives of the upcoming generations. I wanted to see young people embrace a real and genuine faith in Jesus Christ. But God wanted to move me. He wanted to use me to touch the lives of other youth.
God has a plan for the Youth of Yucca Valley and I cannot wait to see what God wants to do in and through me while He has me here. It isn't about what I want but what He wants. Isn't that the lesson we learn from the Garden of Gethsemene. When our Lord and Savior cried out to His Father. "Not My will but Your will be done", He said. He showed us the way. It is not always easy and the path is not always clear but in the end if we obey He promises to bless us. If not in this life He will certainly bless us in the next.
Check out my complete profile for contact info If you want to drop us line.
In Christ,
Marcus, Rachelle and the kids


Tammy said...

Yay! We are so happy for you.. and your new church home is very blessed to have you. You are still very much missed by us all!

Matt Larson said...

Congrats bud! We should get together sometime soon, I'd be happy to make the drive.

Oblique said...

Marcus back in the saddle again.
It doesn't get much better than that. Yucca Valley!!! Look out, there is a new pastor in town :).

My prayer for you.
Lord please bless his efforts, protect his family, and bring those whom he touches into your kingdom.

Greg H.

matt aebersold said...

Im sad to see you go, but I know you will flourish in California. I will see you soon, brother.
